Filipinos WW11 US Military Service

WW2 Veterans Advocacy

Names A
Names B
Names C
Names D
Names E-F
Names G
Names H-K
Names L
Names M
Names N-O
Names P
Names Q-R
Names S
Names T
Names U-Z
Philippine Scouts (OLD)
Philippine Commonwealth Army
USAFFE Philippine Division
Recognized Guerrillas
Philippine Military Academy 1940
Hukbalahaps in WW2
(NEW) Philippine Scouts
Ethnic Minorities in WW2
Filipino Muslims in WW2
Filipino-Chinese in WW2
The Pinays in WW2
Medal of Honor
Distinguished Service Cross
Silver Star
Bronze Star Medal
Purple Heart
Prisoner of War Medal
Military Unit Award
Phil Defense Medal
Congressional Gold Medal for POWs
Memorials in the Philippines
Memorials in California
Memorials in Florida
Memorials in Hawaii
Memorials in Illinois
Memorials in Indiana
Memorials @ Ft. Riley Kansas
Memorials in Minnesota
Memorials in New Mexico
Memorials in Ohio
Memorials in Texas
Memorials in Washington State
Memorial in Israel
Filipino WW2 U.S. Veterans Fight 4 Equity
WW11 Merchant Mariners Fight 4 Equity
Library of Congress Oral History
J. Wertz: Writer Seeking 1941-1942 Filvets
Unpublished War Diaries
Published War Stories
War Diary of Ramon Alcaraz
Post War Court Cases
Historical Notes
Photo Correction: Death March
WW2 Veterans Advocacy
Guest Webpage: Civilian Internment Camps
Guest Webpage: Manuel L. Quezon
Guest Webpage: New Mexico Nat. Guards
Guest Webpage: Mexican Air Force in the Philippines
Guest Webpage: Japanese Memorials
Guest Webpage: Japanese Occupation
Guest Webpage: Japanese Holdouts

Re: Roles of WW1 and WW11 Filipino Veterans in the Official United States Army Website

Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 22:24:41 -0700 (PDT)
From: "m e" <>
Subject: Requesting That You Publish Only Accurate Items
I am requesting that you make corrections to the inaccurate entries in your website. I called the Army Public Affairs about this matter & was told I could send an e-mail. I sent the e-mail & a message to acknowledge receipt stated my e-mail will be answered within 3 days. More than 3 days had passed. Please advice. I am pasting here copy of my original e-mail
Maria Elizabeth Embry
Antioch Ca 94509


Copy of online e-mail sent:





 "5,000" living in the United States @ the end of WW1 in 1918 is erroneous. There were 3,960 WW1 soldiers native of Philippines (contract workers) who served in Hawaii alone & my research is even incomplete due to incomplete data from the US Navy.

My website

 will give you more details about this military service.


Your WW11 website

 did not mention at all the heroic service of: 1st & 2nd Filipino Infantry Regt & intelligence units formed to provide the frameworks of Gen McArthur's return to the Philippines.


This is a request that you base your website in military historical facts and not omit the contributions of the Filipinos in the United States military history.


Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.



Maria Elizabeth Embry


Antioch California 94509



Official U.S. Army Websites with inaccurate entries of Pilipino U.S. military history 

At the start of World War II in 1941, more than a quarter-million Asian-Americans were living in the United States. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Japanese-Americans were perceived as a threat to national security based solely on their ethnic ancestry. Consequently, on March 18, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the War Relocation Authority. Thousands of Japanese-Americans were moved involuntarily to internment camps created throughout the United States. Despite being subjected to prejudice and discrimination, a large number of Nisei (first generation Japanese-Americans born in the United States) volunteered for service in the U.S. Army. These Soldiers served with great honor in the Europe and North Africa campaigns. Their feats of courage, particularly in the Italian campaign, are legendary. Other Asian-American groups also answered the call to duty and served with great distinction in the European and Pacific theaters—many taking part in the liberation of their ancestral homelands.



The 442nd Regimental Combat Team


The 100th Infantry Battalion


Asian/Pacific American Servicewomen


World War II Medal Of Honor Recipients

During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, many people from East Asia chose to immigrate to the United States where opportunities for work and a better life beckoned. Despite numerous instances of discrimination, many Asian-Americans joined the U.S. Army and served with distinction during World War I on the battlefields of France. Following the war, Soldiers of Asian ancestry were recognized for their contributions to the war effort and were allowed to become naturalized citizens. By the end of World War I in 1918, there were nearly 180,000 Asian-Americans living in the United States, including about 100,000 Japanese and 60,000 Chinese and 5,000 Filipinos.

On Sat, 11/22/08, Project PRIAM - MIA Register <> wrote:
From: Project PRIAM - MIA Register <>
Subject: Re: Information about Filipinos
To: "m e" <>
Date: Saturday, November 22, 2008, 1:43 PM

Dear Maria,
                                    Thank-you for your e-mail of September 27, unfortunately I have not yet
                                    had a chance to fully digest the wealth of information presented on your
                                    website, though believe it would be quite helpful for Project PRIAM.
                                    I will start going through your details, confirming on the ABMC website
                                    the unit and other details of each person, and add those still missing to
                                    the PRIAM database in the coming weeks.  This information will be credited
                                    to yourself and your website, of course.
                                    Thanks once again.
                                    Kind regards,
                                    Daniel Leahy
                                    Pacific Ghosts - Project PRIAM

Re: Information about Filipinos

Friday, September 26, 2008 11:56 AM
"Project PRIAM - MIA Register" <>
Dear Mr. Leahy,
Thank you for your response. First of all, I would also like to commend you for keeping the legacy of our military alive. I truly understand the self sacrifice & hard work involved.
Anyway, since the Philippines was a U.S. colony from 1898 (Treaty of Paris) until 7/4/1946 (independence)  all Filipino soldiers who fought during WW1 & WW11  are all U.S. military personnel.I am not sure if I had worked w/ the ABMC database before, however I maintain 5 free access websites for all the wars (WW1-Iraq) that all have database for U.S. military personnel of Filipino descent. My resources are listed in the main page of the websites. You may access my websites & use any info you feel useful. MIA's are indicated as such, but since I used the designated terms from my sources, I am sure that some of casualties & POW in my database are also MIAs. I would like to request that you give credit by mentioning my website as secondary source in whatever manner you desire. I work solo,  I am also a novice researcher & my websites are not scholarly research. I just feel a need to preserve the military legacy of the Filipinos in the U.S. Armed Forces.
Thank you so much for your attention
Maria Elizabeth Embry
Antioch Ca 94509
P.S. to get you started I pick some personnel marked MIAs in my website under A surnames (because of work overload I have many files that remain unsorted & not in my website:

Eustaquio Abacan MIA 6/1/1942 Army TEC5

Mamerto Abacan MIA 2/22/1945; Army Cpl

Antonio Abagat * born 1/12/1912; MIA POW died 6/29/1942 Army Cpl

Pablo Abagat MIA 3/15/1946 Army Pvt

Jose M. Aban MIA 6/6/1942; Army Pvt

Vivencio M. Aban MIA 4/13/1942; Army Pvt

Emiliano Adlawan # died 5/12/1942 Casualty; MIA Army PS; Pfc

Jose Ayson born 11/22/1903; died 5/29/1942 Army Pfc; POW/MIA


Not indicated as Filipinos in the military website, but these are Filipino names.

--- On Wed, 9/24/08, Project PRIAM - MIA Register <> wrote:

From: Project PRIAM - MIA Register <>
Subject: Re: Information about Filipinos
To: "m e" <>
Date: Wednesday, September 24, 2008, 10:24 PM

                                    First of all, thank-you for your e-mail, and apologies for the delayed
                                    At the moment no personnel of the 1st or 2nd Filipino Regiments are listed
                                    in the Project PRIAM database.  As I have been unable to find no MIA
                                    records specifically for either of these regiments on the American Battle
                                    Monuments Commission (ABMC) database, I have not been able to add such
                                    missing personnel to the database.
                                    I am unable to confirm whether there are any personnel listed in the
                                    Project PRIAM database that were born in the Phillipines.
                                    If you have any details regarding Filipino MIAs, please feel free to
                                    forward these details to me, and I will attempt to add that information
                                    Also note that the Project PRIAM database is currently maintained and
                                    updated by one person.  The database currently includes personnel from the
                                    USA, Australia, New Zealand, England (and the UK), Canada, South Africa
                                    and numerous other countries.
                                    Kind regards,
                                    Daniel Leahy
                                    Pacific Ghosts - Project PRIAM
                                    On Sun, July 27, 2008 9:07 pm, m e wrote:
                                     Do you have any Filipinos in your database? I check several pages but
                                     could not find any (I am talking about people not wrecked sites). If this
                                     is true for the entire website, that's terrible. I would rather that
                                    you tell me that I am wrong than correct. Probably you are not aware but all
                                     Filipinos who fought in WW11 fought under American flag.
                                       Maria Embry

U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein responding to your message

 On Mon, 3/23/09, <> wrote:
From: <>
Subject: U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein responding to your message
Date: Monday, March 23, 2009, 10:57 AM


Dear Ms. Embry:

Thank you for writing to express your views on the "Military Retirees Health Care Protection Act" (H.R. 816). I appreciate hearing from you on this pending legislation and welcome the opportunity to respond.

First, let me say I have great respect for those who have answered the call to duty and selflessly sacrificed for our country. I firmly believe that legislation and other efforts to assist those who have served our country with honor, courage, and distinction deserve serious consideration. Over the past few years, I have consistently opposed any attempts to increase the financial burden on our troops and Veterans when it comes to medical care and access to prescription drugs.

As you know, the "Military Retirees Health Care Protection Act" is currently awaiting consideration in the U.S. House Representatives, and at this time, there is no companion legislation in the Senate. Please know that I will keep your thoughts and concerns in mind should this, or similar legislation, come before me for consideration.

Again, thank you for writing. I hope that you will continue to write on matters of importance to you. Should you have any further comments or questions, please feel free to contact my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-3841. Best regards.

Sincerely yours,
Dianne Feinstein
        United States Senator

Further information about my position on issues of concern to California and the Nation are available at my website You can also receive electronic e-mail updates by subscribing to my e-mail list at



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